Tenancy Laws in Berlin How Rent Control Impedes Residential Construction, Creates Black Markets, and Harms the Poor
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Berlin is facing large increases in rent levels over the last decades. To overcome pressure on the market, the Senate of the city has repeatedly introduced rent controls. While the German Constitutional Court has found the latest rent-controlling legislation, the Price Ceiling Act of 2020 to be violating German constitutional law and hence invalid and void, there is strong economic evidence for why rent controls do more harm than good and after all even lead to a decrease in housing provided. To provide for affordable housing, the City of Berlin needs to pursue other measures that stipulate the construction of new housing: the increase and acceleration of the granting of building permits, release of shallow land and actively engage in municipal construction.
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Ordinance on the permissible amount of rent at the start of the rental period pursuant to BGB, sec. 556d, para. 2 (Rent Limitation Ordinance) from May 19, 2020, Law and Ordinance Gazette 2020, p. 343 et seq.
Matt Steinglass, ‘Why Germany’s rent cap has failed’ The Economist (London, 15 June 2018).
With the Price Ceiling Act (PCA) of 2020 (see below), this should come true.
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Art. 1 of the Law updating the legislation on rent ceilings of February 11 2020, Law and Ordinance Gazette 2020, p. 50 et seq.
PCA, sec. 6, para. 1.
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David F. Friedman, Price Theory (first published 1986, 3rd ed., South-Western Publishing 2019) 399.
According to the law of supply, the quantity supplied of a certain good will decrease as the price of that good decreases.
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According to the law of demand, the quantity demanded of a certain good will increase as the price of that good decreases.
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Julia Löhr, ‘Wege aus der Wohnungsmisere ‘ [Ways Out of the Housing Crisis], Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (Frankfurt, 16 May 2020) <https://www.faz.net/-gz7-abqme> accessed 11 October 2021.